Love Is Born!
Karen Elliott
A bright Light in the darkness
Illuminating the pathway home
Making the way clear for all to come
It’s an all encompassing Love
Emanating warmth, peace, joy, acceptance, forgiveness
The love of The Father
Displayed through His Son
The One who came to die so that
We may live
There is no greater love!
Love Is!
Love shines brightly like the noon day sun
chasing away shadows of gray
Bringing forth the colors of beauty and life
Illuminating the path
Showing us the way.
Love’s warmth welcomes us into its embrace and
Releases its perfume
Until we too begin to carry
It’s beautiful fragrance
And release it wherever we go
Spreading its welcoming warmth.
Love is the sound of many waters,
Of joy and laughter, of music on the wind
It is the sound of a bird’s song at dawn,
The sound of a gentle breeze blowing
Through the trees.
Love is arms spread wide open upon a cross
Blood poured out,
A life given
God is love!