Graceway Missions International



Victor Moses Wekesah is the founder and president of the Graceway Missions International, the senior pastor of  The Graceway Bible Community Chapel in Bungoma, Kenya and the president of the Reach Out School Of Ministry.





To impact the believers and constantly stimulate growth  (through teaching, prayer, fellowship and evangelism) and believers  through accountable relationships to submit every part of their lives  to the authority of God and commitment to Christ through His  word. Acts 2:42-47; 1 Timothy that believers are presented as  complete, Colossians 1:28-29.




To proclaim the message of Jesus Christ  to the spiritually lost in Kenya and  the entire world through every available  means and especially, open-air evangelistic meetings, house to house,  personal and also through relationships.  We believe in future we will be able to go on air through radios  and TVs.I believe in any culture The “Truth  illuminates Darkness”  and set the captives free. Armed with the word of God and empowered  by the Holy Spirit we desire to use every technology and every vehicle  to ensure that every generation-young and old hears of the gospel. 1 Timothy 2:9  “The word of God is not bound”. We also teach and train our  members to evangelize. We have been doing mission trips to Southern Sudan, Northern Parts of Kenya, Rwanda and will be reaching out to Congo DRC, Burundi to evangelize and train and equip pastors and church leaders for the work of ministry.

Planting Churches

We want to plant and establish churches in every province of Kenya and also internationally following the New Testament Pattern. We are overseeing  9 Churches in kenya and 8 in Uganda.

Chicken Rearing Project

The Graceway Bible Community Chapel Baptism Photos

Reach Out School of Ministries

Eagle & Dove Academy