The official missions arm of Morningstar Ministries
MorningStar/CMM is an expanding global fellowship, made up of passionate, focused, and people hungry for more of God. We are a part of the rising, awakening Body of Christ, serving as a team and we do adhere to the Scripture of, “know those who labor among you.” We are ‘cross-denominational’, that is, the completed work Jesus did on the cross is more than enough for every thing in life we encounter.
We love all denominations and ministry organizations and work with many in different nations. Jesus is our high priest and chief intercessor before our Father. The Holy Spirit is God, our helper. We are so thankful that God sent His son, Jesus, so that our sin is judged and all sins forgiven, and by the blood of Jesus we overcome, are healed, and delivered. Jesus had to go away so that the Holy Spirit could come and help us, enable us, empower us, and speak to us. This is the rock that Jesus said he would build His house upon, that is our invitation and access to hear God.
We desire to see everyone we meet come into the fullness of joy and completion of their destiny, linking arms through trials, tribulations, persecution, and on into victory as over comers fulfilling the Great Commission (Mark 16-20). Heaven is a big place. God is a God of creativity, great love, and supernatural wonders. He made us all unique and CMM loves the ways God made us all different, just as He makes fingerprints, snow flakes, and leaves all different. We celebrate with you His marvelous beauty, love that is indescribable, and faith and supernatural power that can and will change the world. Let’s get in line to be a part of generational teamwork, (Hebrews 11:38-40) and line ourselves up with the Lord God, King of all creation. (Rev. 22:1-3)
If you have an interest in finding out more about MorningStar/CMM please email them at
[email protected]