We are a community called to link arms and align our hearts with heaven for God’s Kingdom purposes and desires! We are a family whose primary focus is to pursue His holy habitation and depths of intimacy with Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We are a body who walk together in committed relationships that have been formed from His heart being deposited deep within ours. From our hearts joined with His love to each other’s hearts, we extend His love out to those around us.
We are an army of worshiping warriors, the army of God, overcoming sons and daughters who form the Bride of Christ. We arise and go forth from the intimate place of adoration and fellowship with Him, carrying His fragrance with us everywhere we set our feet and release the glorious atmosphere of Heaven on earth.
There is a sound, a cadence, of what is taking place in Heaven on earth, if we have the eyes to see and ears to hear. If we have the courage to embrace it and release it, then Heaven will begin to be reflected on earth for His holy purposes.
Our heart cry is, ‘on earth as it is in Heaven.’