To Truly Live
John 12:25 TPT
“The person who loves his life and pampers himself will miss true life! But the one who detaches his life from this world and abandons himself to Me will find true life and enjoy it forever”
If we do not have anything to die for then I question that we are truly living or have truly lived our lives to our highest potential.
I believe we were created to have our hearts burn with a passion for the Lord and His Kingdom and be willing to lay down our lives, no matter the cost, for His Kingdom purposes to come forth.
What else matters – it is from the place that death has been conquered – that we arise and take our places and live with absolutely no fear of what He asks us to do! We walk in a holy trust, for this we were created, and if we do not fulfill this, then there is no eternal reason to be here.
We are seated in the heavenlies and seated here on earth – we are of two realms.
One Kingdom, One King!
The trumpet is sounding – hear its eternal blast! Arise, take your places!
It is costly, costly in our time, our prayers, our tears, our finances, our own desires, perhaps even some of our friends and family – but its rewards are we feel His Pleasure and His Smile. He is up close, this Man of Passion and Fire- King Jesus – He is there!
The One Who knew the cost and sweat blood in the Garden of Gethsemane – calls us into the Galatians 2:20 lifestyle – our lives are not our own. We are purchased with His Costly Blood, our value cannot even begin to be configured by this world’s standards!
The King and Lord of All – left Heaven – became a man, died on the cross, rose from the dead and is seated at the Right Hand of the Father. He says we are seated with Him. He paid a costly price that I believe we are being called to meditate upon in this season as never before.
THIS is our value, THIS is our worth, THIS tells us who we are!
We are purchased sons. Now from another realm. Heaven is our Home – NOW!
We are here on holy mandates – assignments from the Warrior King – to declare and release His Freedom – to take over and transform the world and turn it upside down – that the realms of Heaven may truly be seen on earth!
This is what is worth dying for – and this is how we truly live!